Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Review of "From Eternity to Here" and Interview with Frank Viola

I've been reading a terrific book by Frank Viola - "From Eternity to Here". This is by far one of the best books I have read. Many "Christian" books talk about the same tired topics again and again, and usually do a great job of pointing the reader's focus toward self.

Viola does a fantastic job revealing God's ultimate passion - The Bride of His Son! I've read a lot of books, and quite honestly have never seen some of these insights before. I believe that God is doing a work amongst His people, revealing to a crooked generation his ageless love and purpose.

Don't let this week go by without getting a copy of this book!

I had the opportunity to ask Frank a few questions about his book and experience with some of these truths. His answers are as follows:

  1. Live and Move: What, if any significance should the Body of Christ see in the timing of God's increasing revelation of his eternal purpose that have been seemingly hidden and waning for thousands of years?

    Frank Viola: God’s people, by and large, are not familiar with God’s eternal purpose today. However, we live in a unique time. A book like Pagan Christianity would have never been published by a major publisher five years ago. Yet Tyndale published it in 2008. I still can’t believe that happened by the way. Equally so, this is the first time that I’m aware of that a major Christian publisher has put out a book that comprehensively unfold the eternal purpose. So hopefully by this fact alone, the message of From Eternity to Here will have more of an impact. Not to mention the fact that there will be a number of conferences through the U.S., South Africa, and Canada which will deal with the subject this year. It’s a very exciting time in which to live.

  2. Live and Move: Are you finding the truths that you've been writing about to be currently experienced world-wide among diverse cultures, or is it just North Americans that have had their heads in the sand? How have believers in other cultures, particularly those enduring persecution, responded to the ideas expressed in your recent writing?

    Frank Viola: I have no way to gauge this accurately. And I don’t believe anyone else does. Take for instance China. I know a number of people who go there regularly. Their reports are diametrically opposed to one another. So I don’t think anyone has a clear idea about what’s really happening all over that country. I think it’s quite diverse and mixed. Also, many Christian leaders have a tendency to exaggerate and “puff” things up.

    I do know that all of my books are being translated into various different languages as we speak. And I receive letters from Christians from all over the world showing the impact they are having on their lives and communities. But it’s hard to gauge beyond that.


Today (June 9th), the following blogs are discussing Frank Viola's new bestselling book “From Eternity to Here” (David C. Cook, 2009). The book just hit the May CBA Bestseller List. Some are posting Q & A with Frank; others are posting full reviews of the book. To read more reviews and order a copy at a 33% discount, go to Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Eternity-Here-Rediscovering-Ageless-Purpose/dp/1434768708/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1233609867&sr=1-4

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For more resources, such as downloadable audios, the free Discussion Guide, the Facebook Group page, etc. go to the official website: http://www.FromEternitytoHere.org

Enjoy the reviews and the Q and A:


Out of Ur - http://blog.christianitytoday.com/outofur/archives/2009/05/viola.html

Shapevine - www.Shapevine.com (June newsletter)

Brian Eberly - http://www.brianeberly.com

DashHouse.com - http://www.DashHouse.com/

Greg Boyd - http://www.gregboyd.org/blog/

Vision Advance - http://vision2advance.blogspot.com/

David Flowers - http://ddflowers.wordpress.com

Kingdom Grace - http://kingdomgrace.wordpress.com

Captain's Blog - http://www.captainestes.blogspot.com/

Christine Sine - http://godspace.wordpress.com

Darin Hufford - The Free Believers Network - www.freebelievers.com

Zoecarnate - http://zoecarnate.wordpress.com

Church Planting Novice - www.churchplantingnovice.wordpress.com

Staying Focused - http://kimmartinezstayingfocused.wordpress.com/

Take Your Vitamin Z - www.takeyourvitaminz.blogspot.com

Jeff Goins - http://jeffgoins.myadventures.org

Bunny Trails - http://bunny-trails.blogspot.com

Matt Cleaver - http://mattcleaver.com

Jason T. Berggren - http://blog.jasonberggren.com/

Simple Church - http://www.simplechurchjournal.com/

Emerging from Montana - http://wordofmouthministries.blogspot.com/

Parable Life - http://www.theparablelife.blogspot.com

Oikos Australia - http://www.oikos.org.au/blog/

West Coast Witness - www.WestCoastWitness.com

Keith Giles - http://www.Keith.Giles.com

Consuming Worship -- http://www.consumingworship.org

Tasha Via - www.tashavia.blogspot.com

Andrew Courtright - www.andrewcourtright.blogspot.com

ShowMeTheMooneys! - http://www.showmethemooneys.com/

Leaving Salem, Blog of Ronnie McBrayer - http://leavingsalem.wordpress.com/

Jason Coker - pastoralia.missionaltribe.org

From Knowledge to Wisdom - http://isthistheway.typepad.com/

Home Brewed Christianity - http://www.homebrewedchristianity.com

Dispossessed - http://kblog.kevinjbowman.com

Dandelion Seeds - http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Dandelionseeds

David Brodsky's Blog- "Flip the tape Deck" - http://flipthetapedeck.blogspot.com/

Chaordic Journey - http://jeffrhodes.wordpress.com

Renee Martin - http://www.reneemartinmusic.com/profiles/blog/list

Bob Kuhn - http://organicchurchnola.wordpress.com/

Living with Freaks: www.livingwithfreaks.com

Real Worship - http://therealworshipleader.com

Fervent Worship - http://ferventworship.blogspot.com

Julie Ferwerda Blog - www.JulieFerwerda.com / www.OneMillionArrows.com

What's With Christina?! - http://w2christina.blogspot.com

Irreligious Canuck - http://www.irreligiouscanuck.com

This day on the journey - http://guychmieleski.blogspot.com

Live and Move: Thoughts on Authentic Christianity - http://liveandmove.blogspot.com/

Spiritual Journey With God - http://www.elvineve.blogspot.com/

Dries Conje - http://www.echurch.co.za / http://www.thejesusfeed.com / http://www.bookdisciple.com.

Journey with Others - http://journeywithothers.blogspot.com

On Now to the Third Level - www.080808onnowto.blogspot.com

Christine Moers - www.welcometomybrain.net

Breaking Point - http://marybethstockdale.wordpress.com

Hand to the Plough - http://www.handtotheplough.com.au

Jon Reid - http://jonreid.blogs.com/oneanother/welcome-pilgrim.html

Weblight - www.blog.worldwidewebservices.se

D. L. Webster - http://gzmproductions.com/dlwebster

Searching for the Whole-Hearted Life - wholeheartedlife.blogspot.com